ties up with LawHub to provide scholarships to eligible law stundets for various certificate and Diploma courses offered by LawHub. is a profession dedicated email solution for Advocates globally. This one of its kind of service that caters to the legal fraternity with an aim to provide a professional identity of advocate associated with their email id. is a paid email service with high featured and at par with any leading paid POP mail and WEBmail services. One of the most unique features of is message highlighting.
Message Highlighting
The incoming email can be hinglighted with the codes, this features is very beneficial for serious mail user having a heavy traffic of mails. Mails based on the priority can be configured with color codes, makeing is easy for mail user to set the priority of the mail sender.
The tag line of come "Dress and Adress makes the difference" goes with the fact that every paid subscriber gets an email id as, exemplies the profession advocate and is associated with the mail id of an advocate. Further more as a promotional offer by, every subscribers gets a personall blogging site. The blogging site is based on CMS ( Content Management System) software. This provide a simple type and post to publish the article live on the advocates's personal blog website. The website url of the personal blog is similar to the email address of the advocate. The URL of the personal blog website is htt:// that resembles the email address
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